Where fresh roadkill meets the plate and Twinkies aren't just for breakfast any more.


The biggest trainwrecks which frequent these sites that humanity has to offer.

CULVER69 Admins Are Monkeys!


Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


If we can't prove what we say, it doesn't get said.

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So, today I was looking through an old flash drive and noticed that I have several videos that have been removed from youtube for whatever reason. This is the original whoredawg fupa video. Vikki was drunk as usual, when one of her mods started her cam for the lulz. She claims she did not realize she was on cam. You be the judge.

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Did someone really just bust out the N word in Vikki's channel? Apparently, racism is allowed at certain times on When you ask? Oh, like today. Apparently, Vikki did not foresee Mariah, one of her mods, baiting Rachelicious and the constant stream of racism spewing out of her offensive pie hole. So, instead of doing what is right and kicking Mariah's modded ass to the curb, she decided to ignore it.

I for one am greatly offended that "a pass" is being given to bigots that visit Vikki's channel. Is Battlecam now going to have bigotry exempt channels? I assume this is simply too much work for the drunken whoredawg and that is why the admins are letting it slide. Battlecam is creating an atmosphere of tolerance towards racists and bigots through their actions of continually ignoring the racism in her channel and I am greatly saddened by this.

To all the clueless administrators at Battlecam who encourage the notion "if you just ignore all the racism it will go away", think again. That's so opposite from the truth it's not even wrong, it's like... super wrong. Whenever you ignore bigotry, you're implicitly giving your approval; you're sending the message to bigots that it's ok to spew their hateful crap. The only way to address bigotry is to call it out, and make sure that people know that it's not ok in any situation.

The usage of racial slurs is offensive to anyone who has to hear or read them, whether it is directed at them or not. Words like that are inappropriate for a reason. It's not just the word itself, it's the meaning of the word, and the meaning of any word is dependent upon it's history and cultural context, not only what the user of the word "intends" to communicate. Intent is irrelevant since we humans haven't perfected telepathy yet, and have to rely on commonly agreed meanings assigned to words.

Many of you won't think this is a big deal, but it is. Racism is never "OK" and "a pass" should never be given. Battlecam needs to step up and punish the offenders. WTF BC?

*Kudos to Anon for the heads up*

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Let me ask you this, trackers. The last time you were doubled over the porcelain throne heaving your nachos, did you think: I want to permanently consecrate part of my sex life to this delicious experience?

Alki David, the perverted deviant and owner of, believes Zolar, the equally deviant and loyal buttboi of the billionaire web master with too much time on his hands, can bring in the viewers to his hacker infested site, by broadcasting a regular from the Howard Stern Radio Show known only to fans as Jeff, The Vomit Guy.

Note to Alki: Howard Stern's Penis. Baba Booey Baba Booey !!!
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You know she's never met a twinkie she hasn't puked up. I bet you're all wondering why this anorexic troll never cams up. Well, after careful investigation and a few stomach pumps later, here's your answer. Mariah, known only by her icon on Battlecam, has been located on the site she professed as her original beginning to live streaming.  The infamous BlogTv.  Mariah (aka Butterfly81 on blogtv) has been tracked as far as the insecure and overly used Facebook. Mariah (aka Butterfly81 on facebook) does have a face. Hence her icon isn't anything to blog about, but it appears she found some end of the night trick, who had a hot Discover card. Maybe him/her can help out with some rhinoplasty next time. INB4 Mariah remembers her password and deletes her account. LMFAO!

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I have to lol @ that old hag Vikki allowing Triple T to rattle her on Battlecam main.

I'm certain I've never seen Vikki get so flustered that she "OMFG" mispronounces or forgets a few letters to a word. "looks like someone is askeered of me?"...Yes, I realize it is just a silly name but in the eyes of the all mighty & powerful TrollTrackers "tiny slip-ups like that are unacceptable".

Good fucking gawd, you grumpy old bitch. Are victims so far and few in between that you can't find someone else to spend your every waking moment on besides Triple T or is it just that Triple T has that ever lasting effect on your rattled nerves?

Whatever it is, I've got you acting like a fucken fruitcake. Deny it all you want, you cranky old canker sore. The proof is in the video & in the blogs & in all your casts with your incessant "Triple T this & Triple T that & OMG! Triple T is so fat"

I'm convinced Lurkers Anonymous is/was right on the money when they made claims that they had it on good authority that you're a welfare collecting, couch ridden shut-in who was forced to watch TV for hours at a time as a child.

Read what I wrote above, you grumpy old cow. Then read it again. Yeah, its coming to you now isn't it, Lady Grumpsalot? You're a sour, old cunt and I have enjoyed being the one to put an end to your so called glory days.


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... for she has admitted deficiency in any and all formal education. No diploma's adorn the walls of her 1 room dungeon, assuming Bruce allows her to do anything other than 'just_sitting' on her fat ass in front of Battlecam day after day (by contract) which may put another hole in Tommy's wall...*tsk, tsk* Back wood country girl, eh?

Back to her lack of formal education...Or social skills...High School abortions...Addiction to certain libations and pharma bootleg drugs. We stand in solidarity to right your wrongs and twist your belief structure into something pliable enough to whip you into shape.

Vikki, feel free to ask any question to any member of the TT crew. We all stand as your superior and would be happy to supply answers to any situational/social awareness of life that you lack...and there seem to be many.

Let's start with how you arrived at such a sad state of affairs. Fucking up and trusting people on the interwebz.

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