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Apparently it was SHOCKING NEWS that human beings don't live forever and at some point they will die. GASP! OMG! People live, and then they die. Who woulda ever thunk it?

It's acceptable to have someone notify your friends, if they're only e-friends that's ok too. It's better they know than be left in the dark thinking you're a dickweed who disappeared without a word. For those who do happen to fall into the "need to know" category and had the futile privilege of being notified; there's really no need to announce these things publicly to the blog community. Casters are assholes. Complete assholes. For instance, when I saw Ikki exodus to Yawn my first instinct was to laugh. And then laugh some more. And since I never laugh at Yawn casters because of the dullard factor, obviously my reaction was the opposite of the emotion she was intending to solicit.

I'm not one to beat around the bush so I'm just going to come right out and say it... I hope The Ikkiness dies a painful and miserable death, kicking and screaming till the last breath is ripped forcefully out of her fat, ugly face. When the end comes I hope she shits her fucking pants and the stench is so foul that the doctors and nurses have to evacuate the room for the next two hours and she's just left laying there, marinating in her own filth. A fitting end for a hapless hateful drunk bitch who subjected us to watching her crap for the better part of three or so years. Ikki was a fucking moron, both on-cam and off. She was a failure as a human being and it won't be until she meets her maker and faces the consequences for her actions that she will truly understand just how much of a failure her life really was.

There are some people here who I like, in varying degrees, people who I respect, people who I appreciate. There are people here who I feel are worthwhile human beings. People who I would actually feel something for if they were no-longer among the living. Vikki is not one of them.

Should I feel inclined to lie and pretend that I care if this miserable sack of shit goes six feet under? Just so some random pussy can lisp "That was so classy of you Trolltrackers!" and give us worthless praise that will probably make me and you vomit? pfffft.... I don't need it. When I found out the whoredawg died my dick got hard. Why? Because she is a loser and I'm a winner. And I play for keeps. You die, I win. Liver failure got you down? -- fuck you, I win! Tragic kidney shutdown? -- fuck you bitch, I win! DESPITE ALL OF WHAT I HAVE JUST ADMITTED I'm not an asshole. It's Ikki and people like HER enablers who tell the community about the impending death and set themselves up for any and all sympathy that are the true assholes.

Fuck you, Vikki. Whether you're trolling or not you're an asshole and your actions completely disgust me. People like you sicken me. Life is precious and you're a selfish, heartless, worthless fucking bitch for subjecting those who are no-longer with us; the lack of respect you constantly showcased to the young and old alike. How do you sleep at night knowing how much of a dirtbag you are?
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