Where fresh roadkill meets the plate and Twinkies aren't just for breakfast any more.


The biggest trainwrecks which frequent these sites that humanity has to offer.

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Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


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7 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    She is mentally disturbed. If Bruce kicks the bucket before her she is going to have a huge problem trying to fend for herself in this big world called reality.

  2. Anonymous says:

    hahahahaha Where do you come up with these??? LOL

  3. lol @ miss ladylike piggy =P

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks fer bringin this paperwork over man, loooooong exhale, been a long tahm since Ah laid eyes on paperwork lahk that cough cough cough cough - and billyboob there sounds like a relative of Bubs and Whoredog, like he's been inbred down to one chromosome. Bubs doesn't appear to be objecting to her new habit, why bother right? At least it helps keep her off his back.

    Well, dayum, if ol Bubs kicks off and her bestest friends Nancy and Booby won't take her in she can always move back to living behind the local laundramat.

    BTW As the video rotated to the last one about Nancy she opened with one of her humongous belches with Christmas music in the background. It occurred to me that you could do an entire Christmas song with her belching out the music! In fact, that has probably been one of the Bubs family traditions in their house - Whoredog belching out a few tunes for everyone by the Christmas tree!

  5. lol yeah, the "paperwork bringer" sounded a lot like this guy from bubba's "house" december 2010 before miss vikki was banished to her "office" =P

  6. TrollTrackers says:

    THAT'S IT CHARLIE BROWN !!! Thank you LA.. I searched for the vid of Ikki's dope dealer thinking you had uploaded it. When she went off on her chat yesterday swearing no one had ever seen or heard Brian on vid before, I knew that the "bad ol' meanie bloggers" would come through. ^5 Culver.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yes, she said yesterday in her cast no one has ever seen him on cam. Looks like she got fooled again.

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