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3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    No bodies happy being her friend. She better watch out. Those cheeks are getting big enough for Cheeseslices to pinch!

  2. Culver says:

    She is still protecting Tommy. Vikki is the one who is Evil.

  3. Anonymous says:

    She is keeping her Tommy fantasy alive by telling all these lies against everyone else. Vikki lives in a fantasy world, and Tommy is partially to blame for her being the way she is. He is just as lonely as she is and when he tired of her, he moved on, plain and simple but Vikki can't let go. Many people tried to warn her about Tommy but she wouldn't listen. I really do hope one day Vikki will hate him like she should and move on with her live, get off BC and at least try to life a healthy life just for herself. No one is gonna love her until she loves herself.

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