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I have to lol @ that old hag Vikki allowing Triple T to rattle her on Battlecam main.

I'm certain I've never seen Vikki get so flustered that she "OMFG" mispronounces or forgets a few letters to a word. "looks like someone is askeered of me?"...Yes, I realize it is just a silly name but in the eyes of the all mighty & powerful TrollTrackers "tiny slip-ups like that are unacceptable".

Good fucking gawd, you grumpy old bitch. Are victims so far and few in between that you can't find someone else to spend your every waking moment on besides Triple T or is it just that Triple T has that ever lasting effect on your rattled nerves?

Whatever it is, I've got you acting like a fucken fruitcake. Deny it all you want, you cranky old canker sore. The proof is in the video & in the blogs & in all your casts with your incessant "Triple T this & Triple T that & OMG! Triple T is so fat"

I'm convinced Lurkers Anonymous is/was right on the money when they made claims that they had it on good authority that you're a welfare collecting, couch ridden shut-in who was forced to watch TV for hours at a time as a child.

Read what I wrote above, you grumpy old cow. Then read it again. Yeah, its coming to you now isn't it, Lady Grumpsalot? You're a sour, old cunt and I have enjoyed being the one to put an end to your so called glory days.


One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    "your days are numbered" - she loves to throw out those threats at people. She's going to have them banned, unmodded, make them beg for their next meal, blah blah blah. Yet nothing ever comes of it and she never imagines that people are laughing at her. She's soooo special ....

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