Where fresh roadkill meets the plate and Twinkies aren't just for breakfast any more.


The biggest trainwrecks which frequent these sites that humanity has to offer.

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Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


If we can't prove what we say, it doesn't get said.

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Let me ask you this, trackers. The last time you were doubled over the porcelain throne heaving your nachos, did you think: I want to permanently consecrate part of my sex life to this delicious experience?

Alki David, the perverted deviant and owner of, believes Zolar, the equally deviant and loyal buttboi of the billionaire web master with too much time on his hands, can bring in the viewers to his hacker infested site, by broadcasting a regular from the Howard Stern Radio Show known only to fans as Jeff, The Vomit Guy.

Note to Alki: Howard Stern's Penis. Baba Booey Baba Booey !!!
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You know she's never met a twinkie she hasn't puked up. I bet you're all wondering why this anorexic troll never cams up. Well, after careful investigation and a few stomach pumps later, here's your answer. Mariah, known only by her icon on Battlecam, has been located on the site she professed as her original beginning to live streaming.  The infamous BlogTv.  Mariah (aka Butterfly81 on blogtv) has been tracked as far as the insecure and overly used Facebook. Mariah (aka Butterfly81 on facebook) does have a face. Hence her icon isn't anything to blog about, but it appears she found some end of the night trick, who had a hot Discover card. Maybe him/her can help out with some rhinoplasty next time. INB4 Mariah remembers her password and deletes her account. LMFAO!

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