Where fresh roadkill meets the plate and Twinkies aren't just for breakfast any more.
The biggest trainwrecks which frequent these sites that humanity has to offer.
Justin.tv Admins Are Monkeys!
Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back
If we can't prove what we say, it doesn't get said.
The biggest trainwrecks that humanity has to offer.
Enter At Your Own Risk
lol i had a slightly different take on those convos =P http://oi61.tinypic.com/wss8y1.jpg
lmfao post updated
aren't you glad you never *actually* made roadkill of me back in the day? =Dty for sparing my life! <3i'm too dense, shifty-eyed and gristly to have made a tasty burger anyway. lol =P
This Molly is very strange. This is like something out of soap opera.
lol i had a slightly different take on those convos =P http://oi61.tinypic.com/wss8y1.jpg
lmfao post updated
aren't you glad you never *actually* made roadkill of me back in the day? =D
ty for sparing my life! <3
i'm too dense, shifty-eyed and gristly to have made a tasty burger anyway. lol =P
This Molly is very strange. This is like something out of soap opera.