Abusing and torturing animals is the most disgusting, cruel act anybody can imagine. Animals are defenseless innocent creatures, just like small children, so how can anybody be so vile as to harm them. It was reported to me that this brainless animal abuser was doing it because the scorpion scared his girlfriend. In any instance, it's a general lack of respect for another living creature. It's not a personal thing against the animal. The animal is in a position of vulnerability and the abuser feels control and superiority by exposing this scorpion to hours of intense ultraviolet light (black light) by trapping it in a box with a cricket. As of this report the scorpion has been motionless for over two hours and has been contained in the hot box for over seven hours. Surfrat announced he will leave the creatures in the box for 72 hours. Obviously he has no feeling for the lives that surround him. Disgusting stunt for views imo.
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This blog is so dead you have to use surfrat to try to keep it alive? Talk about Pathetic
Who runs this Lame ass blog anyways? Still got Vikki news on it! Man up so you can get blasted.
someone should lock this freak in a box and blast a black light in his face for three days
So you know what this means, Surfbat; right?
It means that you are a bigger pussy attention whore than Whoredawg, and I swear, I didn't think they MADE pussy bigger than the HeftyBag that yeti was sporting. You can try to play it off like Ikki and Drunkman, by saying "TT is riding my coattails. WHAH WHAH WHAH. That shits thinner than the enamel on your store bought teeth, and probably a big reason everyone is asking you to release the animals as I type this.
I've been at this for over a decade, and I couldn't tell you if the piss and moan function actually does something, or if it's just what people say when they're getting their ass served to them on a silver platter, because not only have we created the meal, I've force fed it to you. Because, and you are a sniveling, limping, lame-ass abuser who thought he was going to bump his cred up a notch by going at a blogging legend, and wound up getting skull-dragged until he squealed and dove behind the skirts of his xsplit. Stick to shaking your pom-poms, bitch.
Hope you enjoyed reading this. We all know you couldn't help taking a peek.
no love lost between me and a scorpion, but this is absolute abuse. A scorpion has no reason to attack and sting unless it is threatened. He has no humidity in the cage and is slowly killing it. Scorpions are noturnal and he has no concern for the animals well being. He seems to be doing it so he can look like the big protector to his squeeze. You called it TT. It is disgusting.
And he is a dog owner right? What if someone got a hold of his little dog doing some torturing of their own to it because it bit them or scared them? So what if his gf got scared and she condoned this? Very disgusting indeed! And it's obvious Surfrat was here seeing the very first comments.
Well that 50-something pathetic dirtbag has already proven what a complete loser he is in so many ways and now this? Oh gee, can we guess where the first 3 comments came from? The retardation level of this moron is completely off the chart. And that "girlfriend" of his is apparently no better otherwise why would she want to be associated with such "human" detritus?
What are a few of the usual characteristics of an abuser? A strong psychological or emotional immaturity,, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and frustration, very superficial relationships with different partners, never acknowledge the harm they cause, any need to go on? No, not really, we already recognize this "person", don't we?
It is a low, mean and pointless thing, it needs to be permanently flushed.
How fucked-up is this worthless pos. I saw some of the cast when OGMike called him out because surf wanted to kill the scorp during the cast. mike was srsly upset and left the room while the mods and surf laughed about killing it and how surf was going to send the scorp to mikes house.
just checked his channel and the poor thing is still on display not sure how long its been but I saw the scorp in his channel around 3:00am today its now 7:00pm :9 over 17 hours with no shelter or water he was also talking about selling it to a pet store tomorrow greedy bastard when the poor thing dies in a few days I hope the shop files charges on him for selling a mistreated animal http://prntscr.com/4is9jl
Strong blog bro, Troll tracker posting as anon over and over. And a name change to Meow kittly now
man you really got to be bored and have nothing better to do then use Surf to get attention. you really gunna bag on him for keeping it in a PROPER home for a scorpion. Surf isnt goin to kill it an had to intention to he was messin around. You guys really need to get a life you fuckin losers. why dont you fuckin bag on the pet shops that keep them contained in a smaller home the same way. you all are a bunch of ignorant ass people. to bad this blog is only getting hits because surf is postin the link for everyone to see you pathetic excuse for a life. grow up, MAN UP and quit hidin behind Anonymous nics you posers lmfao SINCERELY FROM THE HEART- SWERVE27 :D
PS- it has food water an proper light- FUCK OFF AN GET A LIFE AND QUIT WORRYIN ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE. aint yo momma tell you to quit tattle tailing all the fkin time
Anonymous says:
September 1, 2014 at 6:50 PM
Strong blog bro, Troll tracker posting as anon over and over. And a name change to Meow kittly now
actually I do not believe TT is online atm because we are waiting for TT on skype so don't take it too badly that you are floundering around talking out of your backside anon @6:50. When you subsist on a diet of raw unfiltered horse manure, it is not surprising you would regurgitate the same. MEOOOOWWWWW!
Seeing as Surfcrack's latest gambit revolves around trying to drown out the latest epicness in a sea of his pathetic scroll bombs, I think it's better off redeployed as a party over there.
Let the menopausal crying commence.
can i choose the topic tonight how bout Creature from the Owned Lagoon BWAHAHAAHAA
surfrat flicking the scorpion :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnP6q71SmkE
Coinbox is a faggot
he showed the scorpion and it looks dead :(
gotta screenshot of me admitting it...no because it never happened you fucking twit. quit usin Surf to get ahead in the online life you fuckin loser lmfao
lol @ they think it's an actual animal when they are calling it an insect
Stop hiding behind anon? Who the fuck is SWERVE27 any ways? Has this person ever casted or been on cam? if not you are just as anon as anyone else here. Putting a screen name to a comment means nothing if no one knows who the fuck you are or seen you.
they think being stung by a scorp is the end all, when in only 2 ppl have died from a scorp bite since 1964 lmao
Well these troll comments from the illiterati supporting the aging pedo abuser really tell the whole story about the lot of them and what kind of garbage Surfblob attracts - strictly flies to shit.
"arthropod animals of the order Scorpiones within the class Arachnida" i see the word animal. lol