Where fresh roadkill meets the plate and Twinkies aren't just for breakfast any more.


The biggest trainwrecks which frequent these sites that humanity has to offer.

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Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


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10 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    It's good to see this McClane guy, a signed in chatter who also knows him in real life, speaking up. The rest who sign in you don't see doing that because a mod badge is more important or fear of getting a ban.

    Agreed he needs tough love not be enabled to drink more. Many should not sign in and just watch him just drink his life away or even if he has guest chat on do not speak to him. If no one is talking to him he has to go elsewhere. I do not watch him like I used too from months ago or regularly any more he just became too much of a mean arrogant alcoholic ass hole. The rest should do the same DO NOT SIGN IN OR SPEAK TO HIM!

    He should be ashamed if his co-workers really are watching him laughing. I mean the guy has picked his nose on cam and other nasty stuff.

  2. thanks for the video capture, Troll Trackers. it was interesting to get a real life friend's take on the Foxman.

  3. Today I had a thought.

    What if, just once, one of these lowly fucking losers decided to actually make something out of the miserable life they've been given?

    What if?

    After the blogs humiliation of the booze sponge, and then LA's spot on gifs, you can see DrunkmanShawn, a grown man mind you, middle aged and graying as well...hell; hes a balding cunt, hiding behind his emo tears, needs status and power.

    Now kids, listen up, because what I will tell you right now is pretty much fucking gospel. Drunkman needs YawnLive. Its all he has. He is a complete real life fuck up in the similar vein as Ikki, a murderer. With the exception that Drunkman murders himself mentally because the only postion of power the scrawny addict has had in his entire life is turning on a webcam at a dubious and obscure website. Forget all that noise about working for his father while taking care of his mother and sister, and all that other bullshit he spews. It is all fucking lies. The truth is, Drunkman is a habitual liar and a mental case in need of some sort of justification for mere existance and uses YawnLive to actually live. Come on now, think about it. How would you feel if your life started the second you opened your browser? And your appointments were whether somebody responded to your wasted ass? In his world of make believe, Drunkman is not only king, but also a spoiled, rotten child whose family is left to fend for themselves in the cold, harsh world of knowing an "internet star". Losing his very soul in the process over a pitiful time waster.

    Poor, middle aged DrunkmanShawn. And don't think for a second he isn't here lurking, because he is, and always will be. The blogs and videos are all he has to be proud of. Does he have children? They don't matter next to the broadcast, and if anybody believes this, just remember his suicide attempts when he was spewing "it was for the show". Shawn lost the plot years ago and will never get it back no matter how much he tries to change, no matter how reformed he thinks he is. He will never get what he lost.

    His dignity.

  4. the only thoughts i'd like to add to your thought is: i think your comment should be in the body of the post and "Come on now, think about it. How would you feel if your life started the second you opened your browser? And your appointments were whether somebody responded to your wasted ass?" i think i wouldn't want to live more than a couple of years doing that, either, if at all.
    i also got a bit blabby about the foxman over on scuttlebutt's corner today and linked this post's video, thanks after the fact. =D thank god monday's almost over and my brain can slack off the rest of the week. =P

  5. You know I never noticed before but the imprint of LA's boot on Drunkman's soft dense skull really brings out the color of her eyes. <3

  6. how sweet <3 drunkman and i actually share something in common besides being canucks: beautiful green eyes (mine have gold flecks) but wait until you get a load of what happens to the whites of his eyes when i chop his baby bump. #comingattractions =P

  7. Anonymous says:

    So this loser knows the people at work watch him expose himself, shove equipment up his anus and generally humiliate himself with his drunken stupor daily on Yawn? Yep, he has as much self awareness and pride as that nasty dead whoredog. In fact, they are pretty indistinguishable one from the other. Just typical, self centered, nasty alcoholics. Judging from his appearance, he is already following in his "mentor's" downward spiral Any pools going on how long before he returns to the camera? Without a doubt it won't be long.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Shawn is edging closer to rock bottom, but that won't happen until he loses his job

  9. thanks for the vid, troll trackers and i love the inclusion of the spitbox and that bong monkey gif =D
    i got there just as he was telling everyone he was out of cigarettes and it was "just in time because i am done with the casting" umm what?
    @ "Any pools going on how long before he returns to the camera? Without a doubt it won't be long."
    i know they're easy to do but is it worth anyone's time to put one up? =P
    "so this is it for a while" i think today is the foxman's payday. i predict he will be on a cam either in his channel or someone else's channel on yawn or another site whether he has lost his job or not. "my computer will be on" btw that weird bubbling and gurgling sound in the background is not his computer fan or hard drive spinning. it's the waves of a wet brain sloshing against his skull.

  10. this is the vid i'm referring to above. i forgot to link it =P

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