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Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


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Holy talking burning bushes of catnip. You are the one who decided to post your personal diet woes on a google hangout. Just like Oprah and Kirstie Alley and every other fatso who ever went on a diet to lose weight and then parks their immobile lardass on a public broadcasting site all fucking day proves only FatKitteh IZ Fat.  I wish I could convey to you just how utterly brain damaged you fucking sound.

Anyway, stop bullshitting about your imaginary weight loss. You look like a Mac Truck that reversed into a dog's arse. By all means, please keep telling yourself that you're losing tons of fat while your arteries are getting blown out of the back of your swollen head you gullible twit.  But no matter, a massive coronary will soon take care of that.

Enjoy the salad.

9 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    lol she looks like queensfinest fat older sister

  2. Anonymous says:

    I had to freeze the screen to read BlackKitteh comment. Here is what I read:

    BlackKitteh: your fat ass doesn't have a job who the fuck you kidding

    BlackKitteh: you cant even scrape your obese ass of the bed because you're drunk all the time

    LMAO at this stupid kunt reporting the truth to Scruffy

  3. Anonymous says:

    Badkitteh says she isn't a troll? I remember she used to brag how she would fuck with people always fighting with someone. Listening to that recording cursing and calling that girl a bitch she is most definitely a troll. What she really means is she isn't a troll to Von Helton as she knows he despises them blaming them for his kids being taken away. As long as they are not trolling him he will interact with trolls.

    She lost 76 lbs? Was she over 300 lbs? She still looks quite big to me and why is it every time she is on cam she is laying on the bed?

    She sounds really disappointed she may be on the blogs? NOT! LOL @ comparing herself and fame on the blogs to Von. Who is she again? LMAO.

  4. Meow says:

    Notice, too, how she's ever so keen to protest the troll tag. Something is rotten in the swamps of Yawnagee. And I don't just mean the obvious nervous BO sweat trapped between the crevices of the lard rolls of another useless miserable fat drunk on vaughn.

  5. Her credibility isn't worth ikki's spit and she is drunk out of her shrunken skull on her second bottle of cooking sherry in an attempt to cope with yet another entry in an epic list of humiliating defeats. She has even degenerated to the ridiculous level of VonSlurper.

    Unfortunately for her though, it has already exploded in her pig-like face.

    The problem with that kind of amateurville routine of course, is that the more the victim objects to the troll question, the more gravity that question attains. Meaning she is literally a busted trolling pile of melting lard desperately spinning around in circles, caught in pure and simple bullshit of her own making.

    Stick a fork in the fat porker, the crackling's done.

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    She is the troll from blog that looks like a greasy gopher

  8. Anonymous says:

    Badkitteh is a fucking piece of shit CUNT with no respect for anyone.She is the biggest snob on the internet.Her whiny voice is as irritating as her california attitude and huge ego.Some people even say she claims to be a troll(what a fucking joke),programmer(haha),hacker (wanna be bragging) and all sorts of things (all proven to be lies).First she cries when people call her out for being fat in response to her insults and entirely stops casting (easily trolled and bullied back) and then she returns casting bragging about getting an operation to lose weight (while still having the widest ass on the internet hands down) while Joewalsh Pwns her on skype (I have a recording of it and its quite entertaining to hear her whine and get angry haha) This girl is fun to destroy and its only just begun actually.Good post troll trackers! Kudo's on calling this bitch out.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I remember her showing her big warty looking funbags on blog tv, crying, sweating, swearing....She was a nasty greasy pig, that would get mod in peoples room then ban people for the fun of it!

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