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She met another, and pftttt she was gone.

5 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Does Von seriously think the courts are going to tell him where his wife is when she has an Order of Protection against him. He threatened her with a gun, so she'll have an army of support from the courts from the beginning. She will also have access to domestic violence victim's services, crime victim's services, and possibly free legal services, depending on her income level. These people will trample his ass if he attempts to find her. He's completely delusional.

  2. your video editing on this one is comedy genius <3 thanks for the laughs =D

  3. 5:39 - Von will forever live in his foolish paradise and continue to fall down Andrea's rabbit hole.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Oh yeah, courts are going to tell him where his wife is when she is trying to keep away from him. Good going Von Helton thinking anyone is going to tell you her whereabouts.

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