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Do we know who you are? lmfao

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I admit I’ve never paid any attention to KittyClaws. Just another illiterate non-entity trying their hand at trolling on the Big Yawn. But something she said recently caught my attention.

Where should I start looking for clues, I wonder? Well, just taking a good look at the way a chatter styles their work would be square one, I suppose. So… what stands out most from KittyClaws's comments, what’s most distinctive? What stands out most is that ugly hot pink, bolded name she uses.

KittyClaws is so enamored with her trademark hot pink font she even uses it on her T-shirts.

But a little thing like a perfect font match isn’t proof enough to start accusing KittyClaws of being the Drunktown laughingstock known as KittyCunt/DemiLess/Nazi_Mod, is it? Surely not. But now that we have caught the scent, let’s have a look at recent events that may support our suspicion.

Recently in my encounter with, this “KITTYCUNT” creature, she seemed to be more into it than the rest, like she had a vested interest in seeing DrunkManFox get fox-faced. But why? Well:

I can put it next to Clones, Evil Bastards, Backstabbing Bitches, the countless ones at Drunktown, you know, all the other dumbified enablers who have done the exact same thing. I love the conspiracy theories.

Oh noes. We have him/them/her back-peddling so fast now, it's like watching a looney tune cartoon backwards. Truth to Drunkman and his cronies is like pouring salt on a slug.

Don’t think the hilarity of BridgetB complaining about Drunkman’s lack of integrity while using a nic-switch account is lost on me, either. That one belongs in the Hypocrite Hall of Fame.

Moving on, I’d like you all to read and make note of this infamous quote:

"Foxman is a piece of shit the funny thing is he thinks i'm his friend but I always shit-talk behind his back when he's passed out"

Then a few hours later she skulks back, in another sad attempt to turn her coat once again, and expose to everyone what they already knew about KittyClaws – that she is nothing more than a poorly told joke.

Nobody gave two fucks about you or your bullshit in Ikki's broadcasts, you flip-flopping, wishy-washy back stabber. You need DrunkMan now because there aren’t any other true mentally challenged casters left standing, but I guarantee your stupid ass that Drunkman doesn’t need you. Your fucked up past is here to haunt you and your stay as Nazi_Mod is coming to yet another horrific end.

And yet here you are. I fucking swear; hateful, miserable failures were placed on this earth as God’s personal apology to me for stupid people. I can’t wait for news of your offing yourself hits the rounds so the Woodshed can upload your eulogy like they did for el Kabongo. It’s the only worthwhile thing you have left to contribute…

- ho ho ho for those who claim above chat capture is chopped

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I have elsewhere referenced the fact that Ikki's piddling attempts to transfer the contents of her malfunctioning mind to the fact that she was placed in a foster home due to the malfunctioning clan known as her immediate family will be referenced in this several months ancient video. However, the list of crutches she used to compensate for her lack of achieving an enlightened perspective is both incomplete and unnecessary, as there are many more crutches Ikki used and none of them represented a cause of the core problem, but were merely a manifestation of her outcome. Speaking of which, the turkey is continuing to baste in my oven. The things I gotta do. So without further ado...

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She met another, and pftttt she was gone.

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