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We throw sticks at dogs, that's the level on which we place dogs. You'd never dream of throwing one for a cat. We throw sticks for dogs, and dogs go, "Oh, he's dropped his stick! I better go and get that. [dog chases after the stick] "Saw you dropped your stick there, thought I'd bring it back." [dog gives the stick back and follows it with eyes as you throw it again] "Did you see me just bring that back? And then you … you dipshit, dropped it again? This is fucked. I don't know what's going on here." [dog brings the stick back again] "Now, hang on to it this time, I don't want to fuck around with you all the time. You think I enjoy this? There you … don't fucking throw .....!" [dog chases after the stick] That's why the third time, when they come back, they won't give it to you. They go, [through clenched teeth] "No … I won't let you try that again!"

Cats, on the other hand, have a scam going – you buy the food, they eat the food, they fuck off; that's the deal.

You have no control over your cat! You can't say to your cat, "Cat, heel! Stay! Wait! Lie down! Roll over!" Beause the cat's just going to sit there going, "That's bullshit." While you're shouting all this to your cat, your dog's next to you, going … "What the hell are you doing talking to the cat!"

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Holy talking burning bushes of catnip. You are the one who decided to post your personal diet woes on a google hangout. Just like Oprah and Kirstie Alley and every other fatso who ever went on a diet to lose weight and then parks their immobile lardass on a public broadcasting site all fucking day proves only FatKitteh IZ Fat.  I wish I could convey to you just how utterly brain damaged you fucking sound.

Anyway, stop bullshitting about your imaginary weight loss. You look like a Mac Truck that reversed into a dog's arse. By all means, please keep telling yourself that you're losing tons of fat while your arteries are getting blown out of the back of your swollen head you gullible twit.  But no matter, a massive coronary will soon take care of that.

Enjoy the salad.

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The years do take their toll Michelle. 

Far from what she once was, but not yet what she's going to be.

SHOW LOWER BACK STACY, (aka) Stacy M, Stacy Michele, Stacy Michelle, MichelleStacy

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Abusing and torturing animals is the most disgusting, cruel act anybody can imagine. Animals are defenseless innocent creatures, just like small children, so how can anybody be so vile as to harm them. It was reported to me that this brainless animal abuser was doing it because the scorpion scared his girlfriend. In any instance, it's a general lack of respect for another living creature. It's not a personal thing against the animal. The animal is in a position of vulnerability and the abuser feels control and superiority by exposing this scorpion to hours of intense ultraviolet light (black light) by trapping it in a box with a cricket. As of this report the scorpion has been motionless for over two hours and has been contained in the hot box for over seven hours. Surfrat announced he will leave the creatures in the box for 72 hours. Obviously he has no feeling for the lives that surround him. Disgusting stunt for views imo.

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There's just so much wrong with this, I barely know where to start. And that is precisely the reason behind this one.

Oh look, geeze, look how she appears to have it all together. All the chicks will like her and all the men will want her man-gina and everyone‘s pet dog will want a sniff of her odorous testes! Booyah!

I know she likes to play in the land of the ungendered, but its clear from the amount of time she spends abusing her laggy internet connection by broadcasting on Yawn, that she has no commitments outside of her computer. JackieLeeDale manages an insane amount of internet participation so its reasonable to say that if the web isn't her sole source of social interaction then it comes pretty damned close.

I don't need to know the ins and outs of her daily grind. The proud boastful shemale was put well and truly in her place with arguments that had holes so wide you could have driven a fleet of Oldsmobile's through them. Do I care? Hell no, this is all about tackling opponents and messing with them for shits and giggles. Does JackieLeeDale care? You saw her babbling here. She is rattled beyond belief with hair-brained gibberish and unhinged malarkey. She's been that way for awhile now, but the fact I continually call her nonsense for what it is, drives her up the transatlantic wall while her dedicated mods devotedly purge and ban the obvious.

The funny thing is that even if she would come wholly out of the closet, it still wouldn't do her any good because she doesn't care what is said about her, her life, her family, the people she associates with or even how she treats her cat. She clearly does not care, which is why she is such an easy mark for me.

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Do we know who you are? lmfao

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I admit I’ve never paid any attention to KittyClaws. Just another illiterate non-entity trying their hand at trolling on the Big Yawn. But something she said recently caught my attention.

Where should I start looking for clues, I wonder? Well, just taking a good look at the way a chatter styles their work would be square one, I suppose. So… what stands out most from KittyClaws's comments, what’s most distinctive? What stands out most is that ugly hot pink, bolded name she uses.

KittyClaws is so enamored with her trademark hot pink font she even uses it on her T-shirts.

But a little thing like a perfect font match isn’t proof enough to start accusing KittyClaws of being the Drunktown laughingstock known as KittyCunt/DemiLess/Nazi_Mod, is it? Surely not. But now that we have caught the scent, let’s have a look at recent events that may support our suspicion.

Recently in my encounter with, this “KITTYCUNT” creature, she seemed to be more into it than the rest, like she had a vested interest in seeing DrunkManFox get fox-faced. But why? Well:

I can put it next to Clones, Evil Bastards, Backstabbing Bitches, the countless ones at Drunktown, you know, all the other dumbified enablers who have done the exact same thing. I love the conspiracy theories.

Oh noes. We have him/them/her back-peddling so fast now, it's like watching a looney tune cartoon backwards. Truth to Drunkman and his cronies is like pouring salt on a slug.

Don’t think the hilarity of BridgetB complaining about Drunkman’s lack of integrity while using a nic-switch account is lost on me, either. That one belongs in the Hypocrite Hall of Fame.

Moving on, I’d like you all to read and make note of this infamous quote:

"Foxman is a piece of shit the funny thing is he thinks i'm his friend but I always shit-talk behind his back when he's passed out"

Then a few hours later she skulks back, in another sad attempt to turn her coat once again, and expose to everyone what they already knew about KittyClaws – that she is nothing more than a poorly told joke.

Nobody gave two fucks about you or your bullshit in Ikki's broadcasts, you flip-flopping, wishy-washy back stabber. You need DrunkMan now because there aren’t any other true mentally challenged casters left standing, but I guarantee your stupid ass that Drunkman doesn’t need you. Your fucked up past is here to haunt you and your stay as Nazi_Mod is coming to yet another horrific end.

And yet here you are. I fucking swear; hateful, miserable failures were placed on this earth as God’s personal apology to me for stupid people. I can’t wait for news of your offing yourself hits the rounds so the Woodshed can upload your eulogy like they did for el Kabongo. It’s the only worthwhile thing you have left to contribute…

- ho ho ho for those who claim above chat capture is chopped

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I have elsewhere referenced the fact that Ikki's piddling attempts to transfer the contents of her malfunctioning mind to the fact that she was placed in a foster home due to the malfunctioning clan known as her immediate family will be referenced in this several months ancient video. However, the list of crutches she used to compensate for her lack of achieving an enlightened perspective is both incomplete and unnecessary, as there are many more crutches Ikki used and none of them represented a cause of the core problem, but were merely a manifestation of her outcome. Speaking of which, the turkey is continuing to baste in my oven. The things I gotta do. So without further ado...

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She met another, and pftttt she was gone.

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DrunkmanShawn is so lonesome without his Yawn asslickers, he has resorted to exposing himself on BattleCam for his daily dose of lickage.
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Gawddamn, I fuken clean it all the time.

Hello minions, pleabs, meacocks, dullards, and loons. I am here to report that Victoria Ledbetter is dead. But she has left behind an 8 gig flash drive and a non-illustrious career which spanned 4 Bud filled years.

In her final moments, she left a memoir behind. I shall now tell you what it is.

Dear TrollTrackers, if you are reading this, it is because I am dead. I could no longer take the fame of being a world reknown lifecaster. I think my good friend FoxmanShawn shall take my place. I will give him the secret to my wit and charm. It will be as if I am reborn inside of him. Nevertheless, there are a few things I should address here.

First off, who the fuck trusts a guy with half of his username being that of a sneaky, sly ass critter? "FOXman"? Please. Come on Shawn, you could have done better than that. Isn't it bad enough the pictures that populate your channel are simply part of the "came with the frame" family?

To my dearest trolls Tommy and Nikki. Oh how I'm going to miss skyping you bitches into oblivion, but I assure you, Shawn will be a good role model, so don't you worry. But Tommy, please promise me one thing. Stick to one username please. You change it more times than you utter your signature lame "real talk" Now to Nikki, I had such hopes for you. I had a dream that you went to college and became a teacher. You would have been a good teacher, with an amazing career, and a body other women would suck a dick for. You would have a family, and real friends, and you would think all of this social broadcasting nonsense was a load of shit. Then you would enter your classroom and your students would eagerly be waiting to be taught what 2 +2 is as they are riddled with bullets. You and your students all perish with blood flying everywhere, bodies destroyed, and the cuss words from the janitors as they walk in and say stuff like "Damn, look at this fuken mess!" Notice how I said "dream", and not "nightmare". 

Remember, Drunkman Shawn, slip up, say stupid things, and drone on and on about pointless shit, and you'll be in good shape for another few years. It's only a matter of time anyway.

To everyone else, have a nice day!

Wow! That was so touching, I think I might tear up! So as I carefully empty my hard drive, Ikki will no doubt live up to the expectations of the masses and we can effectively, although practically, wipe the bits of trash and dust that litter my motherboard.

Now, fuck off and explode! (She told me I could use her catchphrases.)

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Now that Lunatic Luna has cast her purse strings (Chris) into the lake, she has gone fishing for none other than Hollygolightlee (aka SweetCharlot) to bait her hook.

Sweetie Holly, was more than happy to supply some chum for the e-beggar.

Tina, being a pro at the internet panhandling trade, tried angling her reel, hoping to net Holly's attention.

Sadly the trawl left the floundering Tina, crying in her fish tank for a guppy like the ignorant Charlot...btw Holly, the correct spelling is Charlotte, you stupid trout.
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James Paul VonHelton has been ordered by the State of Kentucky to relinquish all weapons for a period of three years, after losing in a court case which involved threatening his wife with a gun under a protective order issued by the Clay County District Court.

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Ah, prepping the bird, tossing him in the oven and watching him roast in his own juices just begs the question; who is the biggest turkey Yawnlive has ever seen?

Now, don't get me wrong, it's actually a good thing that there are mentally unstable dolts there for those just born better, such as yours truly, to ridicule at a decent clip, but the meat of this potato lies in choosing the biggest, most tasteless bird and putting him on display for everyone to feast upon.

Is it DrunkManShawn? The alki who allowed another alki to atomic fireball his ass into a corner because he jiggled the curtains with his pasty white ass one time to many? Once TheWoodshed turned him into the drooling lisper we all knew he was, trying to legitimize some piss and moan that nobody gave two flying Yawn T-shirts about. DrunkMan was never the same once his baked bean teeth ostrich face was released into the anals of blogdom, which is kind of an oxymoron since his face looks like it came out of Scuttle's anal passage. Mr. Roffey has suffered in his life, lets make this point clear. He put so much effort and time into sucking midget dick he became a bi-sexual junkie who, through his ordeals within, lost his job at whoredawg radio, who lost his clawless e-lover, and has been resorted to living on the charity of ChiefGeronimo's appearance, something any normal man with even an ounce of pride would have taken in as a fail in life. But not Shawny. Its just another place to squat and shoot up his only life's redemption into his liver, to hide the pain that he is nothing.

We all know the mental breakdowns and near suicidal situations Ikki talked Drunkman out of doing to himself. Sure, hes a balding, middle aged user who should be sitting underneath a bridge with a tree branch made into a club telling riddles to those who cross, but that's just internet lore. Drunkman has turned his misery into......nothing? Yes. He has suddenly become a "this is what broadcasting does to somebody once you become obsessed by it" statistic and is in the exclusive class of the obsessive losers of two, he and Ikki. Go figure.

Nobody in this game takes themselves as srsly as dumb ol Shawn. To the point that he has repeatedly threatened his very own viewer base at his very own channel, in an almost gestapo like fashion. It's a sad day indeed, but after all, this is DrunkmanShawn we're talking about.
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Sorry about your luck, Pam.

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Apparently it was SHOCKING NEWS that human beings don't live forever and at some point they will die. GASP! OMG! People live, and then they die. Who woulda ever thunk it?

It's acceptable to have someone notify your friends, if they're only e-friends that's ok too. It's better they know than be left in the dark thinking you're a dickweed who disappeared without a word. For those who do happen to fall into the "need to know" category and had the futile privilege of being notified; there's really no need to announce these things publicly to the blog community. Casters are assholes. Complete assholes. For instance, when I saw Ikki exodus to Yawn my first instinct was to laugh. And then laugh some more. And since I never laugh at Yawn casters because of the dullard factor, obviously my reaction was the opposite of the emotion she was intending to solicit.

I'm not one to beat around the bush so I'm just going to come right out and say it... I hope The Ikkiness dies a painful and miserable death, kicking and screaming till the last breath is ripped forcefully out of her fat, ugly face. When the end comes I hope she shits her fucking pants and the stench is so foul that the doctors and nurses have to evacuate the room for the next two hours and she's just left laying there, marinating in her own filth. A fitting end for a hapless hateful drunk bitch who subjected us to watching her crap for the better part of three or so years. Ikki was a fucking moron, both on-cam and off. She was a failure as a human being and it won't be until she meets her maker and faces the consequences for her actions that she will truly understand just how much of a failure her life really was.

There are some people here who I like, in varying degrees, people who I respect, people who I appreciate. There are people here who I feel are worthwhile human beings. People who I would actually feel something for if they were no-longer among the living. Vikki is not one of them.

Should I feel inclined to lie and pretend that I care if this miserable sack of shit goes six feet under? Just so some random pussy can lisp "That was so classy of you Trolltrackers!" and give us worthless praise that will probably make me and you vomit? pfffft.... I don't need it. When I found out the whoredawg died my dick got hard. Why? Because she is a loser and I'm a winner. And I play for keeps. You die, I win. Liver failure got you down? -- fuck you, I win! Tragic kidney shutdown? -- fuck you bitch, I win! DESPITE ALL OF WHAT I HAVE JUST ADMITTED I'm not an asshole. It's Ikki and people like HER enablers who tell the community about the impending death and set themselves up for any and all sympathy that are the true assholes.

Fuck you, Vikki. Whether you're trolling or not you're an asshole and your actions completely disgust me. People like you sicken me. Life is precious and you're a selfish, heartless, worthless fucking bitch for subjecting those who are no-longer with us; the lack of respect you constantly showcased to the young and old alike. How do you sleep at night knowing how much of a dirtbag you are?
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