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Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


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12 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    kenneled? Julie shouldn't have to be caged up if Vikki is home. I have seen her many times cursing at Julie telling Bruce to get her in the cage so she does not have to deal with her. Not only that but that poor dog still wears a shock collar when inside which has been seen on cam.

    Notice she says Bruce loves that dog more than?..............then a pause, more than anything. She was trying not to say more than her.

    Peachy visited Vikki 2 years ago who witnessed first hand Vikki cursing up Julie when drunk with Peachy saying awww don't curse at her. This was also witnessed by many when Vikki casted that day.

  2. Anonymous says:

    i fucking knew it that dog was locked up downstairs. Locked in a cage 24.7 its not right. I bet she pokes julie with a stick while in her cage.

    Its sad.

    Poor Julie.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Culver says:

    Vikki hasn't checked on Julie for a few hours. Apparently, Tommy comes before Julie too.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I know Bruce THINKS he has that filthy whoredog caged - in that upstairs room - but he has her in the WRONG cage. SHE should be downstairs in that wire box. Julie should be taken to one of those doggy spas where she can be well treated, fed and play while Daddy is away. We have a very nice one here with cams so you can check on your baby while you're gone. Bruce could just cage the monster, set the laptop in front of the cage and hook her up to an intravenous booze feed from a beer keg. She could relieve herself in her red Solo cups and, VOILA! - Whoredog is taken care of! It would still be too good for her.

  6. i don't think a wire cage could contain vikki - best to go for bars (nyuck-nyuck) lol =P

  7. Anonymous says:

    Putting a dog in a crate is not necessarily bad (if the owner is at work and no one is home, and the dog is destructive), but if Vikki is at home there is NO NEED to put Julie in a small crate. FYI, the last time Bruce went on vacation for 2 days and Vikki stayed home, Bruce paid alot of money to put Julie in a nice kennel.

    Bottom line...Bruce simply DOES NOT TRUST Vikki to do the smallest things, most likely because Vikki has messed things up in the past.

  8. Culver says:

    Vikki and Bruce now saying the picture is copy and paste. It's not Julie

  9. Anonymous says:

    Lol most likely? We have watched three years of her screwing up absolutely everything she touches no matter how small, basic and simple (so the incredible screw up job she had done on her own life is no surprise). No, Bubs knows better than to count on her to do anything.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Well Culver that may be but we have all seen Julie downstairs in her cage and that photo does not present any inaccurate sense of what it is all about. That photo could very well be Julie in her cage it is that close.

  11. i don't understand. what am i missing here? there is clearly a wire kennel/crate that sits under the kitchen table downstairs (unless it's been moved since christmas 2012) and it's clearly for a dog, unless maybe bruce is feeling extra frisky, keeping his trophy wife in there for good/bad behaviour (missing/spilling the solo pee cup) while visiting his "house" notice alki's trophy wife's crate is much more spacious and not shoved under a stinkin' table, out of sight, out of mind =P =P

  12. Anonymous says:

    @Anonymous says: July 16, 2013 at 10:03 AM "FYI, the last time Bruce went on vacation for 2 days and Vikki stayed home, Bruce paid alot of money to put Julie in a nice kennel."

    Thats a bold statement.

    I want proof of Bruce putting julie in kennel for that period. I want a receipt. Or are you just taking vikkis n bruce word on it and expect me swollow that shit tew?

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