Where fresh roadkill meets the plate and Twinkies aren't just for breakfast any more.


The biggest trainwrecks which frequent these sites that humanity has to offer.

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Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


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I love the smell of boo boo's in the evening.

Here's a question for the ages. What's semi-illiterate, bitter at being mostly ignored and takes everything super cybernetic zombie ninja serious? You know it. I know it. The bag of kittens trying to get out of the sack earmarked for a late night disposal run to the nearest large body of water know it. It's everyone's favorite pretend VikTom of Vaughn, our very own lonely crazy drunk whoredawg, Vikki. TrollTrackers's answer to why euthanasia at an advanced, toothless age when rambling pointless bullshit on the internet becomes a way of life is a good idea. Doctor Kevorkian definitely knew what was up. He was truly an underrated genius of our time, long live the suicide machine I say.

Maybe it's just me, but when multiple broadcasts start popping up with the blogs name attached from the cringing webcam of such a frustrated Tommy-less reject, something's up. Was it something we said? Perhaps the Vikki Boo Boo clip I posted earlier? Or maybe it's the hot cyber romance Culver's got going on swapping comments with the Boo Boo's nemesis, The Shitbox? The mind boggles at the possibilities. So many Anon numbers, so little time.

Either way, a hive of mutant fire ants seems to have taken a wrong turn and gotten lost in her elastic pants and are desperately looking to escape from their grim doom. I don't think anyone can blame them either, as there seems to be a common thread of people trying to escape the miasma of endless emo bullshit that surrounds her like a halo of grim darkness. If Vikki was a band, she would have some edgy name like "Dark Woodshed" and sport an artsy album cover ripping off Lurkers Anonymous of a drunk loser slicing her arms open on a grimy bed with an under nourished horse's head trying to push it's way out of a wall behind her.

Hi, I'm Mr. Ed... (cue LA)

Muscles would probably turn in his grave. But then, I doubt she ever expected this masterpiece "The BooBoo" to hang in the Dallas, GA Institute of Arts either. Life can indeed be cruel. I mean just look at the lemons it served up to the whoredawg spending her twilight years whining at people on cam sites that she isn't getting laid. Mind you, that is kinda funny. God bless the comic relief.

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