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4 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Tommy thinks he was trying to be poisoned by Bruce and Vikki? Omg this is so funny and weird. Those are some cheap ass chocolates? Vikki sure didn't put much thought to the gifts for Tommy.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Tommy is one ungreatful bastard is all i can say.
    I dont give a fuck if she sent him a goddamn rock. she sent something she could afford which wasnt much but she still sent something.
    its the thought that counts.
    Trust me im not sticking up for the whoredawg its just my personal thoughts on this situation.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well she has treated Bruce not much better in the past in the name of "being honest" so I guess Tommy's bout of drunken "honesty" last night isn't any worse and probably well deserved by her. These two are just lowlife drunks, nothing more.

  4. Anonymous says:

    "its the thought that counts"

    Come on now, look at the two we are dealing with here. Two selfish people who are very unstable.

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