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Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back
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oh, wow, there are no words. Tommy you lucky devil, get to Georgia quick and claim what is yours, aaallll yours and ONLY yours! No wonder every woman in the world is jealous!
How can Harry resist that? She wants it bad from you Harry go give it to her big boy. Put that German sausage in her so she forgets all about Tommy.
harry and vikki 4 ever <3 http://i45.tinypic.com/30xd3mh.jpg or until his last breath =P
oh, wow, there are no words. Tommy you lucky devil, get to Georgia quick and claim what is yours, aaallll yours and ONLY yours! No wonder every woman in the world is jealous!
How can Harry resist that? She wants it bad from you Harry go give it to her big boy. Put that German sausage in her so she forgets all about Tommy.
harry and vikki 4 ever <3 http://i45.tinypic.com/30xd3mh.jpg or until his last breath =P