Where fresh roadkill meets the plate and Twinkies aren't just for breakfast any more.


The biggest trainwrecks which frequent these sites that humanity has to offer.

CULVER69 Admins Are Monkeys!


Anon9708: once you go blog you never turn back


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The purpose of this intervention is to assist someone whom we all know in order to encourage him to seek professional help so that he may one day overcome his myriad of emotional issues. I truly feel that when overwhelming evidence of his condition is thrust upon him and he's beaten with it to the point where he can no longer pretend to ignore it... only then will he get the message and finally shape up. If not, oh well... any excuse for trouncing an emotional cripple is good enough for me.

This post will be a long wall of text. No pretty pictures or attempts at editing myself for the sake of those of you with a short attention span. Just the facts, ma'am, laid out as succinctly and accurately as possible. Some will like what I have to say while others will no-doubt bitch and moan. That's the difference between those who truly wish to help this individual and the dirty rotten enablers.

What is it about blogging that attracts the lowest common denominator of the human population? No I'm not referring to the bullies, the sociopaths, or the morally corrupt. In fact, I welcome them and encourage their participation on this blog. The more the merrier I say! Troll Trackers is the seedy underworld of the internet where all manner of linguistic cruelty and cyber mayhem are the order of the day when you step into this arena. One would normally assume that the majority of the cretins would be thick-skinned hard-asses and proceed with caution.

Unfortunately, when you look around, that is clearly not the case. Social broadcasting, past and present has mostly been the home of the emotionally weak and the mentally unstable. On the one hand that's a good thing because it fills a blog with plenty of fodder, but on the other hand, it's bad because if left unchecked they can flood a topic with copious amounts of angst and whining that quickly grows tiresome.

Why would insecure people who are clearly emotionally fragile even WANT to hangout in an environment like this? They shouldn't. In fact it should be the last place they would look to for salvation, yet despite their better judgement they still seem to gravitate towards blogging. I just don't understand it. Take Homeless Stud, (FakesUncovered) for instance, the subject of this intervention. He likes to primp and posture but in reality he's the undisputed biggest crybaby in blogging history. TrollTrackers own Baby Huey, only instead of a duck he looks like a fucking ostrich. Based on the amount of eye-rolling his posts seem to elicit, it appears that everyone realizes how much of a damaged goods emo wreck that he is except for him. How can anyone be so delusional that they're so completely oblivious to how they're perceived? He will inevitably say that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him but his attitude shows otherwise.

Over the years we've all read countless stories from various sources about how much he calls them and whines about .... I can sympathize. I used to have to listen to Homeless Stud, for hours upon hours, whine non-stop about this or that broadcaster who was picking on him. He didn't use those words, no, but that was always the gist of his whining. Every couple of weeks he would cry about how he was quitting broadcasting because he couldn't stand someone. The guy would literally get into a heated troll war with some random troll and then within hours he would be in a channel having a tantrum. It eventually got to be a running joke and every-time he would throw a shit-fit in the middle of a battle and claim he was quitting, we would laugh amongst each other and point out that he would be back within two days.

None of us took him seriously and we always felt that he was a fucking nutcase. I pride myself on being a patient person and it's in my nature to be empathetic, but my patience is not limitless. There are only so many chances you can give a person, only so many times you can look the other way before you finally stop and say, "Hey, this dude is a fucking nutcase!"

If you're Homeless Stud and someone gets the better of you it's time to spew angst endlessly, whine, and beg people on the phone, in messenger, and in real-life to shield for you so that you don't get pounded so badly. This crybaby literally spent MONTHS name-dropping another man and willfully emasculating himself in-order to get backup to come to his channel and save him. We've all seen chicks play the namedrop game, but I have never seen a "man" do it. It was absolutely disgusting. Also, if you need 4 or 5 people to shield for you every time you get trolled, then why even bother? Maybe that's why when you view his blog, nowhere are his readers to be found.

But alas I feel as though I'm hogging the stage. Since this is an intervention it's only fair that other voices are heard as well....

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